Viber download for apple
Viber download for apple

viber download for apple

I was like, “what?!” How is that possible and we tried calling my listed Viber contact to see what if anything would ring. Recently (original article 2013), I became aware of Viber only because my wife used it to talk to her sister and on her smartphone it showed me already listed as a Viber user. What about yours? Find out now and see why this is important. 81% of all smartphones are powered by Linux. Keep tabs on the ever changing privacy policy. Its up to each user if this is ok or not. Viber continues to scan and also save your contacts’ phone numbers from your address book on their servers.

viber download for apple

However, unlike other apps, which only scan your contacts. Update: Over the past couple of months Viber has been modifying their privacy policy to help increase user confidence.

Viber download for apple